Anaemia, commonly known as Haemoglobin or iron deficiency due to poor dietary and iron intake is a common health problem in Bihar. Approx 60% females, infants, adolescents and young children in Bihar are Anaemic. Thus, it is critical to address this problem which has health implications on a huge population and is directly linked to new born, child and maternal morbidity and mortality
Nutritional anaemia is a common disorder which affects about 60 percent of female population in Bihar which leads to serious health issues. Although Gov. of Bihar is running program on Anaemia which has brought positive results taking an inspiration from the Government our NGO has started working with a mission towards Anaemia Unmoolan from Bihar.
Muskaan Foundation based on empirical evidence which demonstrates that regular consumption of Iron and Folic Acid is effective in reducing prevalence and incidence of anaemia, has launched the flagship program “ANEMICA” in collaboration with PMH Biocare to address a critical problem in crucial segment of the population.
1. Challenge: Irregular supply of IFA tablets along with deworming tablets to pregnant and lactating women.
Solution: Timely and adequate supply and distribution of IFA.
2. Challenge: Poor consumption of diverse and iron rich food by the community.
Solution: Addressed through counselling and community events like Health Camp, Nukad Natak, wall painting and other offline and online awareness programs.
3. Challenge: Associated myths and misconceptions of women related to IFA tablets and extra food consumption.
Solution: Addressed through home-based counselling, culture influenced food practices.
We invite everyone to join hand with us and contribute in whatever capacity you can as a volunteer, as an organizer or as donor to support us to make sure we bring a significant change in today’s condition.
हमारा उद्देश्य हमारे समाज को स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा, खेल, हमारी कन्या के कौशल विकास के बारे में सभी बुनियादी आवश्यकताएं प्रदान करना है और उन्हें एक सम्मानजनक जीवन जीने के लिए सशक्त बनाना है। सामाजिक समानता और हमारे समाज के वंचित लोगों का उत्थान हमारी सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता है।